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EBS english

221205 ~ 221209 EBS Start English

by mihsyeh 2022. 12. 12.
221206 mon

It's a yearly thing

A : I'm going to my high school reunion.
B : Oh, do you still get together?
A : Yeah. We have a party at this time of year. It's a yearly thing.


reunion 동창회
get together 여럿이 모이다
get-together 모임

We/They have (행사를)개최하다, 가지다
yearly 매년 열리는

221207 tue

I have other plans on that day.

A : Are you coming to the reunion?
B : I'd love to, but I can't make it. I have other plans on that day.
A : Come on! Can't you take a raincheck on that?


reunion 상봉, 재회
make it 무난히 예정대로 도착하다
a raincheck 이번 기회를 다음 기회로 미루는 것

221208 wed

I keep in touch with four friends.

A : Do you still meet your friends from high school?
B : Yeah, I keep in touch with four friends. What about you?
A : I fell out of touch with most of them. It's too bad. I kind of miss them.


friends from ~에서 알게 된 친구들
keep in touch 연락을 하며 지내다
fell out of touch 연락이 끊겼다
kind of ~인 편인

221208 thu

How is she doing?

A : You were close with Susie, right?
B : Yeah. She was my bestie back in high school.
A : How is she doing? I lost touch with her after graduation.
B : She's doing fine. We still see each other once every few months.


close with ~와 가까운 사이인
클로-스 : 가까운, 친한
클로-즈 : 닫다, 덮다, (눈을)감다

lost touch ~와 연락이 끊겼다
once every few months 두어 달에 한 번씩

221210 fri

Raise your glasses!

A : It's been ages since I last saw you.
B : Tell me about it! It's so great to see you guys!
A : Hey, guys! I'd like to make a toast. Raise your glasses! Here's to the class of 2010, to our friendship!
B : Cheers! Bottoms up!


I'd like to make a toast 건배를 하고싶다.
Let's make a toast 우리 건배 합시다.
I'd like to propose a toast 건배를 제안하고 싶다. (격식)




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