A Review on the Mayubot Vacuum (2)
오늘의 표현
the best bang for your buck
가성비 최고의 것
- If you are looking for a fast computer, this one is the best bang for your buck.
- If you are looking for a cheap gas stove, this model is the best bang for your buck.
- If you need a decent smartphone, this one is the best bang for your buck.
be in the market for N
~를 사려고 둘러보고 있다.
look for 보다 좀 더 형식적인 느낌
- If you are in the market for a used camera, visit our website.
- Are you in the market for a house?
go over N
~를 넘어가다
- The player went over the fence.
- My robot went over the bump.
set O free
~를 풀어 주다
- The terrorists set the hostages free.
- Are you going to set the prisners free?
오늘의 문장
저렴한 로봇 진공청소기를 사려고 둘러보고 계시다면 이게 가성비 최고예요.
If you're in the market for a cheap robot vacuum cleaner, this is the best bang for your buck.
일을 꽤 잘하고 배터리도 상당히 오래가요.
It does a decent job and battery lasts quiet long.
유일하게 짜증 났던 건, 청소하는 내내 저도 집에 있어야만 했다는 거예요.
The only pet peeve I had was that I had to be around the house the whole time it was doing its job.
그래요. 턱 위로 일단 올라가면, 풀어 줄 때까지 걸려 있어요.
That's right, Once it goes over a bump, it gets stuck until you set it free.
그리고 개를 데리고 있다면, 심하게 겁먹을 수도 있어요.
Also, If you own a dog, it could scare them pretty bad.
청소기를 처음 켰을 때 저희 개가 놀라서 쉬했던 기억이 나네요.
I remember my dog peeing on himself the frist time I turnd it on.
너가 날 여기서 풀어주지 않으면, 난 몰래 저 담벼락을 넘어 도망갈거야.
If you don't set me free from here, I will sneak go over the wall to run away.