이지라이팅 42

220530 EBS 이지라이팅 / The Life and Career of Madonna (2)

The Life and Career of MAdonna (2) 전기 : 마돈나의 인생과 커리어 (2) 핵심 표현 act in N ~에 출연하다 - Mayu acted in a couple of films by christopher Nolan. - Serina acted in the canadian drama The Hwangs. - Mayu and Serina made a cameo appearance in te Easy Writters. star in 주연으로 출연하다 co-star in 공동 주연으로 출연하다 make a cameo appearance in 카메오로 출연하다 오늘의 영작 1. 그녀의 데뷔 앨범은 Material Girl을 포함해 세 개의 히트곡을 낳았다. Her debut album ..

EBS english 2022.05.30

220527 EBS 이지라이팅 / The Life and Career of MAdonna (1)

The Life and Career of MAdonna (1) 전기 : 마돈나의 인생과 커리어 (1) 핵심 표현 drop out of N ~에서 중퇴하다 - Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of college befor founding his own company. - He decided to drop out of high school to become an actor. - These days, more and more students are dropping out of university. 오늘의 영작 1. Madonna Ciccone는 1958년 Michigan에서 태어나 유년 시절의 대부분을 그곳에서 보냈다. Madonna Ciccone was born in Michigan in ..

EBS english 2022.05.30

220504, How to Sound Like a Fluent English Speaker - 2 / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

How to Sound Like a Fluent English Speaker - 2 하우투: 유창한 영어 원어민처럼 들리는 방법 - 2 if p.p ~된다면 - It could damage the engine if not installed properly. - It may sound silly if not used with proper intounation. - This handle could break if pulled too hard. be afraid to rv. ~하는 걸 두려워하다 - I was afraid to tell her the truth. - He is afraid to mess up the cake. play a part 역할을 하다 - Grammar plays an important..

EBS english 2022.05.04

220503, How to Sound Like a Fluent English Speaker - 1 / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

How to Sound Like a Fluent English Speaker - 1 하우투: 유창한 영어 원어민처럼 들리는 방법 - 1 obsess over -ing ~하는 것에 집착하다 - He obsessed over pronouncing every word perfectly. - Ellen obsesses over good-looking guys. - Stop obsessing over money! sound like N ~처럼 들리다 - You sound like my mom. - It sound like a good opportunity. have a hard time -ing ~하는 데 애먹다 - I had a hard time recognizing him. - He is having a ha..

EBS english 2022.05.03

220502, Make This Mother's Day Memorable for Her / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

Make This Mother's Day Memorable for Her 광고: 이번 어머니날을 기억할 만한 날로 만들어 드리세요 drop by N ~에 들르다 - Why don't you drop by my place? - Mayu dropped by Serina's office to have a chat. - I can drop by year house before I go to work. When was the last time ~? 마지막으로 ~한 게 언제였나요? - When was the last time you officially dared a girl? - When was the last time you wrote her a letter? have O p.p ~를 ~되게 하다 - I had ..

EBS english 2022.05.02

220429, An Argument between Husband and Wife / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

An Argument between Husband and Wife 대화: 부부 싸움은 칼로 물 베기라던데 * Argument 논쟁 How many times 몇 번을 - How many times a day do you go to the bathroom? - How many times did you practice? inside out 뒤집어서 - My wife is mad because I left my socks inside out. - You are wearing the shirts inside out. be fed up with -ing ~하는 게 지긋지긋하다 = be tired of - I am fed up with taking care of everthing for you. - She is f..

EBS english 2022.04.29

220428, What Would You Do If The World Ended Tomorrow? / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

What Would You Do If The World Ended Tomorrow? 대화: 이 세상이 내일 끝난다면? 오늘의 표현 What would you do + if (평서문 과거) ? ~라면 넌 뭘하겠니? / 어떻게 하겠니? - What would you do if you were handsome? - What would you do if you as rich as Oprah Winfrey? - What would you do if you could stop time? spend quality time 뜻깊은 시간을 보내다 - I spent quality time with my fiancee. - I hope you spend quality time with your loved ones. Just..

EBS english 2022.04.28

220427, Your Name Should Bring You Joy / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

Your Name Should Bring You Joy 일기: 세리나의 다이어리 오늘의 표현 graduate from N ~를 졸업하다 - I graduate from college in 2022. - When did you graduate from high school? - As soon as I graduated form univercity, I got a job at Serina Comporation. throughot N ~ 내내 - Everyone was slient throughout the ritual. - We have 100 branches throunght the country. call O by N ~를 ~로 부르다 - My friends call me by my first name...

EBS english 2022.04.27

220426, Please Have Your Dog Microchipped / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

Please Have Your Dog Microchipped 공지: 개에게 마이크로 칩을 심어 주세요 오늘의 표현 remember to rv. ~하는 걸 기억하다 - Remember to pick up the kids. - Thank God I remembered to pick up my husband. - I remember to having lunch with you. each N 각각의 ~ (단수명사) - Each part has its own name. - Each member will be given a membership card. get lost 길을 잃다, 이해하지 못해 혼란에 빠지다 - We got lost in the middle of nowhere. - You will never ge..

EBS english 2022.04.26

220422, I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing 노래: 그 어떤 것도 놓치고 싶지 않아 오늘의 표현 as long as ~ 인 이상 (↔ unless ~가 아닌 이상) - As long as I am here, there will be no test. - I will be working here as long as I get paid on time. - No one will find out as long as you keep your mouth shut. just to rv. 단지 ~ 하기 위해 - He flew all the way to California just to buy me dinner. - We drove for 3 hours just to taste their famous food. in ..

EBS english 2022.04.22