220503, How to Sound Like a Fluent English Speaker - 1 / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

How to Sound Like a Fluent English Speaker - 1 하우투: 유창한 영어 원어민처럼 들리는 방법 - 1 obsess over -ing ~하는 것에 집착하다 - He obsessed over pronouncing every word perfectly. - Ellen obsesses over good-looking guys. - Stop obsessing over money! sound like N ~처럼 들리다 - You sound like my mom. - It sound like a good opportunity. have a hard time -ing ~하는 데 애먹다 - I had a hard time recognizing him. - He is having a ha..

EBS english 2022.05.03

220502, Make This Mother's Day Memorable for Her / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

Make This Mother's Day Memorable for Her 광고: 이번 어머니날을 기억할 만한 날로 만들어 드리세요 drop by N ~에 들르다 - Why don't you drop by my place? - Mayu dropped by Serina's office to have a chat. - I can drop by year house before I go to work. When was the last time ~? 마지막으로 ~한 게 언제였나요? - When was the last time you officially dared a girl? - When was the last time you wrote her a letter? have O p.p ~를 ~되게 하다 - I had ..

EBS english 2022.05.02

220428, What Would You Do If The World Ended Tomorrow? / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

What Would You Do If The World Ended Tomorrow? 대화: 이 세상이 내일 끝난다면? 오늘의 표현 What would you do + if (평서문 과거) ? ~라면 넌 뭘하겠니? / 어떻게 하겠니? - What would you do if you were handsome? - What would you do if you as rich as Oprah Winfrey? - What would you do if you could stop time? spend quality time 뜻깊은 시간을 보내다 - I spent quality time with my fiancee. - I hope you spend quality time with your loved ones. Just..

EBS english 2022.04.28

220427, Your Name Should Bring You Joy / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

Your Name Should Bring You Joy 일기: 세리나의 다이어리 오늘의 표현 graduate from N ~를 졸업하다 - I graduate from college in 2022. - When did you graduate from high school? - As soon as I graduated form univercity, I got a job at Serina Comporation. throughot N ~ 내내 - Everyone was slient throughout the ritual. - We have 100 branches throunght the country. call O by N ~를 ~로 부르다 - My friends call me by my first name...

EBS english 2022.04.27

220426, Please Have Your Dog Microchipped / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

Please Have Your Dog Microchipped 공지: 개에게 마이크로 칩을 심어 주세요 오늘의 표현 remember to rv. ~하는 걸 기억하다 - Remember to pick up the kids. - Thank God I remembered to pick up my husband. - I remember to having lunch with you. each N 각각의 ~ (단수명사) - Each part has its own name. - Each member will be given a membership card. get lost 길을 잃다, 이해하지 못해 혼란에 빠지다 - We got lost in the middle of nowhere. - You will never ge..

EBS english 2022.04.26

220421, It's Time I Took Care of My Health (2) / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

It's Time I Took Care of My Health 2 일기: 마스터유진의 다이어리 2 오늘의 표현 might as well rv. 차라리 ~ 하는게 더 낫겠다. - I might as well buy two. - You might as well go home and get changed. - We might as well just eat out. for starters 우선 - For starters, I cleaned up my room. - For starters, You will receive $500 in cash. * appetizer 시킬때 자주 씀 put O under ~를 마취시키다 or put someone to sleep - The doctor put her under be..

EBS english 2022.04.21

220420, It's Time I Took Care of My Health (1) / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

It's Time I Took Care of My Health 1 일기: 마스터유진의 다이어리 1 오늘의 표현 What if ~ ? ~이면 어떡하지? - What if Serina doesn't like jajangmyun? - What if the price drops? Are you going to sell it? - What if I lose contact with her? * lose contact 연락이 끊기다 What's ~ ~한 것 - What's important is that you should stay focused. - What's weird is that I don't remember calling her. get a checkup 건강 검진을 받다 - I am getting a c..

EBS english 2022.04.20

220419, Disaster Movie Cliches (2) / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

Disaster Movie Cliches (2) 리스트 : 재난 영화에 꼭 나오는 장면 2 오늘의 표현 Chances are ~ 아마/웬만해서는~이다 - Chances are you will put the weight back on. - Chances are they will hire you again. - Chances are she is not going to turn you down. wipe out 말살시키다 - The enemies wiped out the entire village. - Let's escape Earth before the entire human race gets wiped out. * entire 전체 bite the dust 죽다 - So many warriors bit t..

EBS english 2022.04.19

220418, Disaster Movie Cliches (1) / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

Disaster Movie Cliches (1) 리스트 : 재난 영화에 꼭 나오는 장면 1 오늘의 표현 How masy more 복수N 얼마나 더 많은, 몇 개의 ~를 더 - How many more cars do we have to fix today? - How mansy more patients do you have to see? - How many more days can you stay? Throw away the prejudice that ~ ~이라는 편견은 버리세요 - Throw away the prejudice that English is difficult to learn. - Throw away the prejudice that Mayu can't run fast. On the other ..

EBS english 2022.04.18

220415, Mid-Air Ranting Scares Passengers (2) / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

Mid-Air Ranting Scares Passengers (2) 뉴스: 탑승객들을 겁준 비행 중의 고함 2 오늘의 표현 hand O over to N (무기, 죄인 등)을 ~에 넘기다 물건은 over 생략 - They handed the criminal over to the FBI - She was handed over to the investigators. - We are going to hand them over to the authorities. * investigator - 조사관 * authoritie - 관계자 be forced to rv 어쩔 수 없이 ~ 하다 - They were forced to retreat. - We were forced to work over the weekend..

EBS english 2022.04.15