I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing
노래: 그 어떤 것도 놓치고 싶지 않아
오늘의 표현
as long as
~ 인 이상
(↔ unless ~가 아닌 이상)
- As long as I am here, there will be no test.
- I will be working here as long as I get paid on time.
- No one will find out as long as you keep your mouth shut.
just to rv.
단지 ~ 하기 위해
- He flew all the way to California just to buy me dinner.
- We drove for 3 hours just to taste their famous food.
in one's sleep
잠에서, 자면서
- My dog yelped in her sleep.
- She cried in her sleep.
all night long
- He stayed awake all night long thinking about what Serina said.
- The lady upstairs sang all night long.
오늘의 영작
단지 당신이 숨 쉬는 걸 듣기 위해 그리고 자면서 미소 짓는 걸 지켜보기 위해 난 깨어 있죠.
I stay awake just to here you breathe and watch you smile in your sleep.
꿈에서 당신이 보고 있는 게 나인지 궁금해요.
I wonder if it's me that you are seeing in your dreams.
난 당신과 보낸 모든 순간을 아끼고 소중히 여겨요.
I cherish and treasure every all moment spent with you.
눈이 감겨 잠들고 싶지 않아요. 아무것도 놓치고 싶지 않기 때문이죠.
I don't want to close my eyes and fall asleep because I don't want to miss a thing.
밤새도록 깨어 있어야 하더라도 이렇게 계속 당신을 지켜볼 수 있는 이상은 괜찮아요.
Even if i had to stay awake all night long, It's ok as long as I can keep watching you like this.