EBS english

220420, It's Time I Took Care of My Health (1) / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

mihsyeh 2022. 4. 20. 09:19

It's Time I Took Care of My Health 1

일기: 마스터유진의 다이어리 1


오늘의 표현


What if ~ ?

~이면 어떡하지?


- What if Serina doesn't like jajangmyun?
- What if the price drops? Are you going to sell it?
- What if I lose contact with her?

* lose contact 연락이 끊기다



What's ~

~한 것


- What's important is that you should stay focused.
- What's weird is that I don't remember calling her.



get a checkup

건강 검진을 받다


- I am getting a checkup tomorrow.
- You should get a checkup for yourself and your family.



There, I said it.

그래, 말해 버렸어.


- Your jokes are pathetic! There, I said it!
- I am a terrible dancer. There, I said it.

* pathetic 



오늘의 영작


난 항상 내 주위에 있는 모두에게 건강을 잘 돌보라고 잔소리를 한다.

I always nag everyone around me to take good care of their health.

* nag 잔소리하다


웃긴 건, 나 자신은 내 건강을 거의 돌보지 않는다는 것이다.

What's funny is that I hardly ever do it my self.

* hardly ever 거의 ~ 하지 않는


음, 난 지난 10년간 건강 검진을 받아 본 적이 없다. 그래, 말해 버렸다.

Well, I havn't getten a checkup in the last 10 years. There, I said it.


100% 솔직히 말하자면, 뭐라도 잘못된 걸 알아낸다는 게 겁나는 것 같다.

To be 100% honest, I guess I'm just scared to find out if anything wrong.

* To be hoest 솔직히


'심각한 게 있으면 어떡하지? 내 커리어에 어떤 일이 벌어질까?'

'What if have something critical? What's going to happen to my career?'


