Make This Mother's Day Memorable for Her
광고: 이번 어머니날을 기억할 만한 날로 만들어 드리세요
drop by N
~에 들르다
- Why don't you drop by my place?
- Mayu dropped by Serina's office to have a chat.
- I can drop by year house before I go to work.
When was the last time ~?
마지막으로 ~한 게 언제였나요?
- When was the last time you officially dared a girl?
- When was the last time you wrote her a letter?
have O p.p
~를 ~되게 하다
- I had my watch repaired.
- We had the old window replaced.
in celebration of N
~를 기념/축하하여
= to celebrate N
- In celevration of our 20th anniversary, we are throwing a party.
- In celevration of Valentine's Day, We are going to give away free movie tickets.
마지막으로 엄마와 사진을 찍은 게 언제였나요?
When was the last time you had your photo taken with your mom?
take a photo 사진을 찍다
저희 스튜디오에 들러 어머니에게 이번 어머니날을 기억할 만한 날로 만들어 드리세요.
Drop by our studio and make this Morther's Day memorable for her.
memorable 기억할 만한
어머니날을 기념하여, 모든 가족사진에 50% 할인을 제공하고 있습니다.
In celebration of Morther's Day, We are offering a 50% discount on all family portraits.
a discount on N ~에 대한 할인
family portraits 가족사진
훼손된 가족사진이 있으신가요? 가져오시면 완벽하게 복원해 드리겠습니다.
Do you have tainted photos? Bring them with you and we will restore them to perfection.
tainted 훼손된, 더럽혀진
추억은 바래고 사라질지 모르지만 사진은 영원합니다.
Memories may fade and disappear but pictures last forever.