If You Truly Want the Best or Your Children - 2
오늘의 표현
Who to (동사원형)
누구를 / 누구에게 ~ 할지
- You know who to call, right?
- I don't konw who to belive.
- We haven't decided who to vote for.
consider V to be ad.
V를 ad.하다고 여기다.
- I consider myself to be very patient.
- I consider my job to be quite extraordinary.
While (평서문)
- While there was a big demand, no company anted to do it.
- While most children like video games, come like reading better.
on one's own
- My brother still can't make decisions on his own.
- My wife is running a small business on her own.
오늘의 문장
개인적으로는 난 내 아이들에게 나보다 더 배울 기회를 제공하고 싶었다.
For one, I wanted to provid my childrens with a more apportunities to learn than I had.
항상 안전하고, 안정되고, 사랑받느다고 느끼길 원하기도 했다.
I also wanted to them to always feel safe, secure, and loved.
하지만 하루는, 갑자기 생각이 들었다. 인생의 불편한 일들과 고통에서 내가 얼마나 오래 그들을 보호할 수 있을까?
But one day, something hit me. How loneg could I shelter them from life's inconvenience, and pain?
난 스스로를 매우 독립적이고 회복력이 있다고 여긴다. 그리고 그것에 대해 누구에게 고마워해야 할지 알 것 같다...
I consider my self to be very independen and resilient. and I think I know who to thank for that...
우리 부모님은 항상 내 옆에 있을 수는 없으셨지만, 내 자신을 위해 생각할 여유를 주셨고 그게 실패로부터 스스로 회복하게끔 날 도와줬다.
While my parents couldn't be beside me all the time, they were able to give me room to think my self, which helped me bounce back from failure on my own.