직장인영어 25

220217 thu _ A Firefighter Arrested by Police Officer - 1 / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

오늘의 표현 1. before being (p.p) : (p.p)되기 전에 - The car was repaired before being sold. - The bumper was sanded down before being painted. - Our house was renovated before being shown to the potential buyers. * renovate 개조, 보수하다 * potential buyers 잠재적 고객들 2. order (목적어) + to (동사원형) : (목적어)에게 (동사원형)하라고 명령하다. - The cop odered him to step out of the car. - He ordered me to join his team 3. for (명사) rea..

EBS english 2022.02.17

220216 wed _ A Love Letter for My Husband 💌 / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

오늘의 표현 1. over the decades : 수십 년간 - Masy things have changed over the decades. - Over the decades, there have been constant changes. - Over the decades, They have paid a tremendous amount of tax. * constant 일정한 * tremendous 엄청난 / amount 양 2. I don't think + (평서문) : (평서문)이 아닌 것 같아. - I don't think fried chicken is fattening. - I don't think your idea is sily 3. let (목적어) know : (목적어)에게 알려 주다 - P..

EBS english 2022.02.16

220215 _ A Love Letter for My Wife 💌 : EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

오늘의 표현 1. in (기간) : (기간) 동안 - I haven't had a carb in 10 years. - We haven't talked in the past 6 months. - I haven't uploaded a video in 2 weeks. * 얼마 동안 지속적으로 해 왔다고 할 때 쓰는 for와 달리, in은 얼마 동안 한 번도 하지 않았다고 할 때 사용 * carb는 원래 cabs 복수형으로 쓰는데 여기서는 정말 하나도 안먹었다고 강조하기 위해 단수형 사용 2. stand by (명사) : ~의 곁에 있어 주다. - Thank you for standing by me. - My husband always stood by me. 3. in one's darkest hour : ~의..

EBS english 2022.02.15

Romantic of Cheesy / 220214 mon, EBS easy writing 이지라이팅

오늘의 표현 1. seem + to have (p.p) : (p.p)한 것 같다 - You seem to have lost a lot of weight. - She seems to have lost interest in you. - They seem to have given up you. 2. come out + of (명사) + (명사)에서 나오다 - The magician came out of the box. - Nothing came out of my mouth. * ↔ come into of 3. all over (명사) + (명사) 여기저기에, 여기저기를 - He travelled all over the country. - My dog peed all over the carpet. 4. hold..

EBS english 2022.02.14

Never Let Go of That Promise / 220211 fri. EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

오늘의 표현 1. get out + of (명사) : (명사)에서 나가다 - Get out of my room! - The minute of he got out of the car, it exploded. - How are we supposed to get out of this situation? * get in + of (명사) : (명사)에 들어가다 2. say one's goodbyes : 작별 인사를 하다 - Say yout goodbyes to your memories. - She said her goodbyes and left. * say gootdbye도 가능 3. the past (기간) : 지난 (기간) - The past 6 months with you all were the happi..

EBS english 2022.02.11

Life Is a Game of Luck 🍀 / 20220210 thu, EBS easy writing 이지라이팅

오늘의 표현 1. Where exactly (질문)? : 정확히 어디에/ 어디에서/ 어디로 (질문) 인가요? - Where exactly do you work? - Where exactly is your office moving? - Where exactly did the accident happen? 🔖 장소나 위치에 대한 정확하고 자세한 내용을 물을 때 🔖 How exactly did you find him? 다른 의문사로도 응용 가능 2. It turns out + that (평서문) : 알고보니 (평서문)이다. - It turns out that she is not a native English speaker. - It turns out that he has always loved her. 🔖 시..

EBS english 2022.02.10

Titanic: a Movie by James Cameron - 3 / 220209 wed, EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

오늘의 표현 1. collide + with (명사) : (명사)와 충돌하다 - A train collided with a bus. - The scientist warned that the meteorite might collde with Earth. - The car exploded colliding with the truck. * 의미 상 crash into, smash into와 비슷하지만 일방적으로 부딪히는 것보다 함께 충돌한다는, 동등한 느낌이 더 강함. 2. despite (명사) : (명사)에도 불구하고 - Despite his fame and success, he is still humble. - Despite the storm, the pilot attempted an emergency ..

EBS english 2022.02.09

Titanic: a Movie by James Cameron - 2 / 220208 tue, EBS easy writing 이지라이팅

오늘의 표현 1. persuade (목적어) + to (동사원형) : (목적어)를 (동사원형)하도록 설득하다 - I persuaded my parents to move back to Korea. - Serina Persuaded Mayu not to share his recipes wirh the Easy Writing listeners. - The employes persuaded the CEo not to leave the company. * 어떤 결정이나 행동을 실제로 하도록 만든다는 의미 * convince(납득시키다)는 생각의 방식이나 가치를 바꾼다는 의미 2. jump + off (명사) : (명사)에서 뛰어내리다 - The fugitive jumped off the bridge. - I sc..

EBS english 2022.02.08

Titanic : a Movie by James Cameron - 1 / 220207 mon, EBS easy writing 이지라이팅

오늘의 표현 1. win (명사) : (돈, 경품 등 prize)를 따다, 타다. - Serina won $3 million in Las Vegas. - Mayu won an Oscar for Best Actor. - Sign up today for a chance to win a uPhone. * 직업이나 역할 등을 따낸다고 할때는 동사 land 사용 2. based on (명사) : (명사)를 바탕으로, 바탕으로 한 - The Easy Writers is a movie based on a true story. - Serina wrote a book based on Mayu's life story. 3. en route + to (명사) : (명사)로 향하는 중인, 중에 - The train was e..

EBS english 2022.02.07

EBS easy writing 이지라이팅, 220204 / Valentine's Day Dinner Reservation - 2

오늘의 표현 1. earlier : 이전에, 얼마 전에, 아까 (≒ in the past, before) - Serina was here earlier. - As I mentioned earlier there will be no homework today. - They comfirmed earlier that it wasn't a muder. * in the past는 대과거 정확히 언제 / earlier는 비교적 최근 대략 언제쯤 2. regarding (명사) : (명사)와 관련해서 - I am calling regarding the purchase you made. - What it this regarding? * in regards to는 좀 더 형식적인 표현 3. go ahead + with (..

EBS english 2022.02.04