EBS english

220318, College Graduates Having a Hard Time Finding a Job (2) / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

mihsyeh 2022. 3. 18. 21:07

College Graduates Having a Hard Time Finding a Job (2)


오늘의 표현


who konws?

누가 알겠어?

+ No one konws. 아무도 모르지
+ Only god knows. 오직 신만이 아시겠지


- Who knows? She might say yes.
- Who knows? They might give you a raise.
- Who knows? Mayu might share his secret recipe with you.



graduate + from N

~를 졸업하다


- I graduated from college last year.
- My daughter graduated from high school a few years ago.



come across N

~를 우연히 발견하다


- I came across this photo album in the attic.
- You might come across someone you know in the restaurant.



be interested in N

~에 관심이 있다


- I am interested in your offer.
- Are you interested in doing business with us?



오늘의 영작


한 학생은 말합니다, "저희 대학을 졸업한 누구와라도 인맥을 형성하려고 소셜 미디어에서 노력중이에요."

One student says, "I'm trying to network with whoever graduated from my university on social media."


"제 관심 분야에서 일하고 있는 사람을 우연히 발견할지 누가 알겠어요?"

"Who knows? I might come across someone working in the industry interested in."


학생 대부분은 사회로 나갈 준비가 안 되어 있다고 느낍니다.

Most students feel like they are not ready head out into the real world.


준비된 일자리가 없어서 겁먹은 것입니다.

They are scared because they don't have a job lined up.


많은 학생들에게, 앞길이 불확실성으로 뒤덮인 건 이번이 처음일 겁니다.

For many, This is the first time in their lives that the path ahead is shrouded in uncertainty.




디자인 대학을 졸업하고 다른 일을 준비할지 누가 알았겠어요?

Who knows? I graduated from design school, but I'm preparing for another job.


