A Piece of Advice from a Vocal Trainer
오늘의 표현
It's not N + that V
V 하는건 N가 아니다
- It's not your money that makes you a good person.
- It's not her background that helped her succeed.
- It's not yout moral values that make you a good person.
A is one thing + and B is another
A와 B는 다른 것이다 (특히 A보다 B가 더 중요하고 어렵다는 뉘앙스)
- Knowing something is one thing and doing something about it is another.
- Spending money is one thing and making money is another.
(the) most
최상급 부사는 the를 생략하기도 함
- I like romantic movies most.
- Which color do you like most?
blend A + with B
A와 B를 섞다.
- Blend the strawberries with milk.
- I blended the orangers with wine.
오늘의 문장
높은 음을 내는 것과 노래를 잘하는 건 다른 거예요.
Hitting high note is one thing and being a good singer is another.
노래를 잘하게 만드는 건 테크닉이 아니에요.
It's not the techniques that make you a good singer.
어떻게 노래의 메세지를 전달하는지가 가장 중요한 거예요.
How you deliver the message of the song is what matter the most.
그리고 그렇게 하려면, 감정을 가사와 섞는 법부터 배워야 해요.
And to do that, you must first lean how to blend your emotions with the lyrics.
적절한 감정이 없으면, 가사는 단지 건조한 단어 한 세트일 뿐이에요.
Without proper emotions, the lyrics simply become a set of dry words.
커피 우유를 먹는 것과 커피 샷을 우유와 섞는 것은 다른 거예요.
Drinking coffe milk is one thing and blending coffee shots with milk is another.