EBS english 74

220303, If You Truly Want the Best or Your Children - 2 / EBS 이지라이팅

If You Truly Want the Best or Your Children - 2 오늘의 표현 ​ ① Who to (동사원형) 누구를 / 누구에게 ~ 할지 - You know who to call, right? - I don't konw who to belive. - We haven't decided who to vote for. ② consider V to be ad. V를 ad.하다고 여기다. - I consider myself to be very patient. - I consider my job to be quite extraordinary. ③ While (평서문) ~이지만 - While there was a big demand, no company anted to do it. - While..

EBS english 2022.03.03

220302, If You Truly Want the Best or Your Children - 1 / EBS 이지라이팅

If you truly want the best for your children - 1 오늘의 표현 As a result 결과적으로 1. As a result, he put 30 pounds back on. 2. As a result, the plane failed to take off. 3. As a result, the economy collapsed. 📌 무엇의 결과인지 쓰려면 뒤에 of 추가 Back in the day 예전에는 1. Back in the day, we were just kids. 2. Back in the day, they used to live in a small aprtment. All the time 매번 1. She brags about her wealth all the ..

EBS english 2022.03.02

220301 tue _ Feel the Power of the Miraculous Mayubot Vacuum / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

오늘의 표현 1. get oneself + (명사) : ~를 장만하다 - Get yourself a nice hat. - I got myself a house. - Serina got a herself a convertible. 2. be tired + of (~ing) : ~하는 데 질리다. - I am tired of eating chicken breast every day. - Aren't you tired of doing nothing at home? 3. altogether : 완전히 - We dropped the project altogether. - Your problems will disapper altogether. 4. find one's way + to (명사) : ~로 가는 길을 찾..

EBS english 2022.03.01

220228 mon _ We Have Confirmed Your Online Payment / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

오늘의 표현 1. excluding (명사) : ~를 제외하고 - You may select any color excluding red. - This trip costs $500 excluding arefare. - Our coffee shop si open every day excluding holiday. * 반대 inclouding ~를 포함하여 2. make a payment : 지불하다 - Teach me how to make a payment online. - I already mada a payment for the item. 3. Here is (명사). : 여기 ~가 있습니다. - Here is my boarding pass. - Here is my international driver'..

EBS english 2022.02.28

220225 fri _ Near, Far, Wherever You Are, My Heart Will Go on / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

오늘의 표현 1. Keep one's promise : 약속을 지키다. - I can't belive your liar friend kept his promise. - I hope your friend keeps her promise. - My brother never keeps his promises. * 약속을 깬다 - keep 대신 break 사용 * 약속을 한다 - make a promise 혹은 promise를 동사로 사용 ** 일반적으로 항상 안지키기 때문에 복수형 2. in one's dreams : ~의 꿈속에서 - Mayu's mother saw a toad in her dreams. - I hope I don't see you in my dreams. 3. no matter what h..

EBS english 2022.02.25

220224 thu _ Don't Take His Love for Granted / EBS easy writing 이지라이팅

오늘의 표현 1. learn + to (동사원형) : (동사원형)할 줄 알게 되다 - Learm to respect elders. - We should learn to express our feelings. - Learn to appreciate what you have. 2. a bunch of (명사) : (명사) 한 다발 - My son got me a bunch of roses. - MY boyfriend got my mom a bounch of flowers. 3. (명사) is all it takes. : (명사)면 된다. - A simple phone call is all it takes. - A little effort is all it takes. 4. take (목적어) + for gr..

EBS english 2022.02.24

220223 wed _ Is Fabruary Really the Month of Love? / EBS easy writing 이지라이팅

오늘의 표현 1. I remember (목적어) + (-ing) : (목적어)가 (-ing)한 걸 기억한다. - I remember you leaving the key on your desk. - I remember her saying something like that. - I remeber Mayu parking his car there. 2. a friend of mind : 내 친구 - A freind of mine recently opened a hair salon. - A friend of hers visited her from Texas. * 친구 중 한명인 느낌 / my friend가 더 가까운 표현 3. as far as I know : 내가 알기로는 - As far as I know, ..

EBS english 2022.02.23

220218 fri _ A Firefighter Areested by a Police Officer - 2 / EBS Easy Writing

오늘의 표현 1. go too far : 도를 넘다 - I got mad beacuse he went too far - We hd to stop her because she went too far. - If you go too far, she might lose it. * push someone too far ~ 도를 넘어 압박하다 2. be caught + on camera : CCTV에 잡히다 - A unny momonet was caught on camera. - A UFO was caught on camera * 'CCTV'라고 하기도 하지만 대체로 'CCTV camera'라고 많이 사용했는데 점점 'CCTV'를 생략하게 되면서 'camera'만 쓰게 됨 3. point out + that (평서..

EBS english 2022.02.18

220217 thu _ A Firefighter Arrested by Police Officer - 1 / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

오늘의 표현 1. before being (p.p) : (p.p)되기 전에 - The car was repaired before being sold. - The bumper was sanded down before being painted. - Our house was renovated before being shown to the potential buyers. * renovate 개조, 보수하다 * potential buyers 잠재적 고객들 2. order (목적어) + to (동사원형) : (목적어)에게 (동사원형)하라고 명령하다. - The cop odered him to step out of the car. - He ordered me to join his team 3. for (명사) rea..

EBS english 2022.02.17

220216 wed _ A Love Letter for My Husband 💌 / EBS Easy Writing 이지라이팅

오늘의 표현 1. over the decades : 수십 년간 - Masy things have changed over the decades. - Over the decades, there have been constant changes. - Over the decades, They have paid a tremendous amount of tax. * constant 일정한 * tremendous 엄청난 / amount 양 2. I don't think + (평서문) : (평서문)이 아닌 것 같아. - I don't think fried chicken is fattening. - I don't think your idea is sily 3. let (목적어) know : (목적어)에게 알려 주다 - P..

EBS english 2022.02.16