EBS english 74

EBS easy writing 이지라이팅, 220201 tue / Sign up for Mayu Visa Credit card

오늘의 표현 1. make a purchase : 구매하다 - You can use these coupons when making purchases. - Guests can make purchases inside the gallery. - I made a purchase using my points. * Purchase를 동사로 쓸 때와 달리 make a purchase는 무엇을 구매하는지 덧붙이지 않아도 됨 * buy보다 굉장히 형식적인 표현이라 광고에서 많이 사용 * I purchases something / I buy something 2. the more (주어) (동사) : (주어)가 더 많이 (동사)할 수록 - The more I ate, the fatter I got. - The more y..

EBS english 2022.02.01

EBS easy writing, 220131 mon / Do NOT Throw Snowballs at Pedestrians

오늘의 표현 1. result + in (명사) : (명사)라는 결과를 낳다 - Drinking and driving could result in fatal accidents. - His laziness resulted in failure. - Her carelessness resulted in serious injuris. * Drinking and driving 음주운전 * Carelessness 부주의함 2. get arrested + for (-ing) : (-ing)한 죄로 체포되다 - He got arrested for bribing the cop. - The con man got arrested for causing the accident intentionally. * bribing 뇌물 *..

EBS english 2022.01.31

EBS easy writing, 220128 fri / How deep is your love?

오늘의 표현 1. be eager to (동사원형) : 간절히 (동사원형)하고 싶다. - I am eager to go back to my country. - Serina is eager to try Chef Mayu's special cake. - Actress Minjung park is eager to win the award. * dying을 쓰면 캐주얼한 느낌 * 명사를 쓰고 싶다면 to 대신 for 사용 2. feel (목적어) + (동사원형) : (목적어)가 (동사원형)하는 걸 느끼다. - They felt something move behind them. - I could feel my baby kick. * hear나 see처럼 지각동사 규칙 적용 (to 사용 X) 3. how (형용사)..

EBS english 2022.01.28

EBS easy writing, 220127 thu / We All Get Nervous Going through Customs

오늘의 표현 1. have nothing much + to (동사원형) : (동사원형)할 게 별로 없다. - I have nothing much to do. - we have nothing much to tell you - The police chief had nothing much to say. * 반대로 '~할 게 많다'는 nothing을 뺌 2. other than (명사) : (명사) 외에, 말고는 (=besides) - How is everything other than work? - Other than that, it's a perfect alibi. 3. a bottle of (명사) : (명사) 한 병 - There is a bottle of water in the fridge. - How..

EBS english 2022.01.27

EBS easy writing, 220126 wed. / A Woman Flying with Her Grandma

오늘의 표현 1. like (목적어) better : (목적어)를 더 좋아하다 - I like the blue one better than the other one. - I like comedy movies better than any other movies. - Which one do you like better? * prefer(선호하다) 보다 캐주얼한 표현 * better 대신 more 사용 가능 2. mind (-ing) : (-ing)하는 걸 꺼리다 - Do you mind eating somewhere eles? - I don't mind having a later dinner. 3. switch seats + with (목적어) : (목적어)와 자리를 바꾸다 - I switched seats..

EBS english 2022.01.26

EBS easy writing, 220124 / A Complaint Email to a Tax Return Preparer

오늘의 표현 1. be entitled + to (동사원형) : (동사원형)할 권리가 있다 - You are entitled to receive severance pay - They are entitled to claim compensation. - Foreigners are not entitled to a pension * 주로 법적권리에 대한 표현 * to 동사원형이 아닌 to 명사를 넣으면 "~에 대한 권리가 있다." 2. as alwaye : 항상 그렇듯이 (≒as usual : 어느 때와 같이) - As always, She acced her test. - As always, Ken was late for work. 3. have (목적어) (동사원형) : (목적어)가 (동사원형)하게 하다, 하..

EBS english 2022.01.24

220121 fri. / Practical Supercar the M8 - Part2

오늘의 표현 1. (명사) is warth every penny : (명사)는 제값을 톡톡히 한다. - The scooter is worth every penny. - Serina's class is worth every penny. - The trip was worth every penny. * penny 대신 doller도 사용이 가능하지만 penny가 좀 더 강조되는 느낌 2. take one's foot off (명사) : (명사)에서 발을 떼다 - Take you foot off the brake pedal. - Should I take my foot off the fas pedal? * 전치사 off는 '비접촉'을 나타낸다. 3. unlike (명사) : (명사)와는 달리 - Unlike yo..

EBS english 2022.01.21

20220120 thu. / Practical Supercar the M8 - Part 1

* 이 글은 교재 내용의 전체가 아닌 일부분이며 복습의 의미로 작성되었습니다. 오늘의 표현 1. from the moment (평서문) : (평서문)인 순간부터 (=every since (평서문)) - I couldn't take my eyes off you from the moment you entered the bar. - I knew shw was going to be my wife from the moment I laid my eyes on her. - We knew it was going to be a febulous party form the moment Serina got the microphone. * moment 대신 second 사용 가능 * 그 특정 순간이어서 the 사용 2. be ..

EBS english 2022.01.20

220119 wed. / How to Make Soap at Home - Part 2

* 이 글은 교재 내용의 전체가 아닌 일부분이며 복습의 의미로 작성되었습니다. 오늘의 표현 1. avoid (-ing) : (-ing)하는 것을 피하다 (=try not to 동사원형 : ~하지 않으려고 노력하다.) - Avoid touching your chin. - Avoid using big words. - I tried to avoid using my right arm. * avoid는 좀 더 강한 어조, try not to는 캐주얼한 표현 * 명사형은 avodance 2. before (평서문) : (평서문)이기 전에 - Let's get out of gere before Mayu gets here. - We'd better hit the road before it start raining. *..

EBS english 2022.01.19

20220118 tue. / How to Make Soap at Home - Part 1

* 이 글은 교재 내용의 전체가 아닌 일부분이며 복습의 의미로 작성되었습니다. 오늘의 표현 1. on one's own : 스스로 / 혼자서 한다 or 누구 도움 없이 (=by oneself) - I can make decisions on my own! - She prepared everything on her own. (on her own : 그녀 스스로 / by herself : 그녀 혼자서) - I am going to try to fix my problems on my own. * one's own은 ability 관점 / by oneself는 alone 느낌 2. at (온도) : (온도)에서 - Cook the meat at 200 degrees. - the water will start bo..

EBS english 2022.01.18